Payroll Management

Reduce paperwork, prevent payroll calculation inconsistencies and eliminate errors. Automate now for
smooth processing and accurate payroll with PayrollChief. Save time. Save money.


3 Timekeeping Sources

PayrollChief enables you to choose from multiple time sources as the basis for payroll computation. Generate payroll using online biometric attendance data, upload summarize information using excel template or upload daily time record from your biometric machine – your policy, your choice.


Easy and Accurate Payroll Processing

Eliminate the time-consuming manual processing. Timekeeping, leaves, overtime, undertime, loans, other earnings deductions and other payroll data are automatically synced without manual intervention ensuring accurate payroll at all times.


Flexible Payroll Period

Customize your payroll cycle based on industry requirement – be it weekly, semi-monthly or monthly. PayrollChief payroll module pick-ups employees’ schedules coincide with their attendance records that seamlessly integrates during payroll processing. Approved rest day and holiday work will automatically be reflected in payslip.


Compliance to Tax and Labor Related Laws

Never ever worry about compliance again. PayrollChief regularly update the system in accordance with the latest laws, rules and regulations to avoid penalties and legal issues. Stressful manual input of rates is no longer necessary. The withholding tax and SSS/Philhealth/Pag-ibig employee share are automatically calculated.


Payslip Accessibility

Employees can easily view and download their payslips anytime, anywhere. Once the generated payroll has been approved and posted by the authorized person, this will spontaneously show in employee self-service portal. No more extra process. No more waiting. Just full transparency. Plus, it’s environmentally friendly. Print only when needed.


Let’s make it easy with PayrollChief

Your Trusted Payroll Ally!